Can Trump Still Win this Thing? And Charles Krauthammer Gets One Wrong.

Charles Krauthammer is at or near the top of the list, when it comes to political columnists I respect, and usually agree with. But I deeply differ with the conclusion he’s come to, that appeared in this past Sunday’s Enquirer, with respect to the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


He spent most of the column explaining why he’s not voting for Hillary. (I’m with him on that.) His principal concern is that she is corrupt. (I agree with him on that too.)

Unfortunately, in the second to last paragraph, after having said he can’t support Hillary, he goes on to say that “I could never vote for Donald Trump.” And then concludes by saying he’ll probably write in either Paul Ryan or Senator Ben Sasse.


Now Charles Krauthammer has every right to vote for, or not vote for, whomever he wants. But for any other folks out there who might find themselves in a similar frame of mind as Charles Krauthammer – won’t vote for Hillary, but are also struggling with voting for Donald Trump, let me ask you to consider two words – SUPREME and COURT.


The makeup of the highest Court in the land, for a generation, is at stake in this election. Not only is the late, great Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Court open to be filled, but potentially two or three other Supreme Court seats during the upcoming presidency. And these appointments are for life. In addition, dozens and dozens of federal District Court judgeships and Circuit Courts of Appeal positions will be filled – also with lifetime appointments. The potential harm which could be done by allowing Barack Obama’s liberal appointees to be followed up by Hillary Clinton liberal appointees to the bench, is incalculable. We absolutely cannot allow this to happen.


So for any Republicans, conservatives, tea partiers, independents, and even sensible Democrats, who don’t care for Hillary Clinton, but aren’t there yet for Donald Trump either, let me urge you to consider the Supreme Court (and the lower federal courts.)

Now, can Trump still win? There have been a number of polls that came out over the weekend that suggested, probably not. An ABC News poll showing Donald Trump down by 12 points got extensive coverage. Interestingly, a Rasmussen poll showing Trump up by 2 points, an Investor’s Business Daily poll showing the race tied at 42% each, and a CBS News poll showing Trump up by 3 points, were all but ignored.


Is this part of the “rigged” campaign Donald Trump has been talking about, where the mainstream press is trying to INFLUENCE the election, rather than merely report on the election? Is the goal to so dispirit and discourage Republican voters that they figure, why bother to vote, and Democrats win by default? Maybe. Maybe not.


The bottom line is, get out and vote. And make sure your friends, and neighbors, and family do too. And if you’re one of those folks who just isn’t sure whether you can bring yourself to vote for Donald Trump, just think about the Supreme Court.

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