One Month to Go!

Well, it’s crunch time. In four short weeks, millions of Americans will be going to the polls to render their verdict on how the Obama Administration and the Pelosi/Reid Congress have been running our country. (Of course many voters no longer wait until Election Day, taking advantage of voting by absentee ballot, or early voting at the Board of Elections downtown at 824 Broadway.)

And what will that verdict be? Well, most political pundits are opining that the Democrats are in big trouble. And no wonder. Even though the economy remains weak, and unemployment high, they spent much of the last two years pushing through a health care plan that remains unpopular with the public, and is discouraging businesses from ramping up hiring due to higher costs associated with the bill.

And the $814 billion so-called economic stimulus bill that was supposed to get the economy moving again, clearly hasn’t worked. The only thing it stimulated was big government, and more government spending, but no jobs in the private sector.

The Washington big-spending spree is apparently just fine with Steve Driehaus, because he voted with Nancy Pelosi 94.8% of the time. But now that the people are on to him, and all the big spenders are going to be held accountable, Steve Driehaus is getting more and more desperate. He’s particularly desperate since the Cincinnati Enquirer authorized SurveyUSA to do a poll and it was published in an Enquirer front page story this past Sunday. According to the poll, we’re beating Driehaus by 12 points, 53% to 41%.

A particularly encouraging thing that this poll showed was that whereas I’m way up among Republicans, and Driehaus is up among Democrats, I’m up strongly among Independents – by 20 points.

Driehaus’s desperation is showing most noticeably in his TV ads and direct mail hit pieces. His veteran medal ad has been proven to be a complete fabrication, and our polling shows it backfired on Driehaus – big time. And his current ad, claiming among other untrue things, that I was a big-spender while in Congress, is so absurd as to be laughable. Citizens Against Government Waste gave me a lifetime score of 97% and Mr. Driehaus a pitiful 11% in voting against wasteful spending, and I’m the big spender? Give me a break.

And you know the Democrats are desperate when they roll out that old boogieman: “Watch out seniors, the Republicans are coming to take away your Social Security.” I knew Driehaus was in panic mode when he included that line of attack in his latest ad. As any thinking-person knows, the greatest threat to Social Security is Washington’s out-of-control spending, and Mr. Driehaus joined in the spending orgy with relish. (By the way, the National Taxpayers Union grades members of Congress on both spending and taxes, and my lifetime score with them is an A; Driehaus’s is an F.)

Okay, enough about politics – let’s talk Cincinnati sports for a minute. How ‘bout dem Reds! I know we’ll all be pulling for them to beat the Phils tonight, and take an important step towards the World Series. But whatever happens, they’ve sure been fun to watch this year, and brought a lot of excitement to a city which really needed a boost. Go Reds!

And the Bengals; 2 and 2’s not a bad start, but I really thought they’d beat Cleveland. Carson looked sharper, and T. O.’s superior play makes you think that the chance they took bringing him to Cincinnati might just pay off. But the possibility that both the Reds and the Bengals may have good, or even great years, the same year, that’s really something. WHO – DEY!

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