Why We Absolutely Have to Elect a Republican President in 2016

I mentioned it in my blog last week.  But it is so important that I’m going to spend the entire blog on it this week.  If Americans want to get rid of Obamacare, the ONLY way to do it now, is to elect a Republican President next year, and re-elect a Republican House and a Republican Senate.  It’s as simple as that.


The Supreme Court, in my view, has twisted itself (and the law) into a pretzel in order to uphold this clearly unconstitutional monstrosity of a law.  In the first round, they held it was a TAX even though the Obama Administration all along declared it was not a tax.  And in the second round, six of these nine geniuses decided that “states” means “states or the federal government.”  The bottom line is, they were determined to uphold Obamacare, come hell or high water, and that’s just what they did.


So unless we want to be stuck with this debacle of a healthcare law forever, we’ve got to elect a Republican President, or we’ll never get rid of Obamacare.

Now we may have a Republican candidate from time to time claim we can kill Obamacare by doing this or that (shutting down the government, not passing some funding bill, toppling Speaker Boehner, whatever) but that’s just a lot of hot air.  They don’t know what they’re talking about.  Or even worse, they know it won’t work, but they’re just trying to advance their political agenda, or career, by pitting Republicans/conservatives against each other.

So we’ve GOT to win in 2016.  But how do we do it?


First of all, we’ve got to respect each other.  The candidates for President, and their supporters, have got to realize that we’re all on the same side.  We all agree on a lot more than we disagree on.  We have differences on foreign policy, immigration, education, abortion, global warming, you name it, but our disagreements pale in comparison to our differences with a President Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.  So let’s not eviscerate each other before we even get to the first caucus in Iowa.


An inordinate amount of the money which is raised for political races nowadays, is spent running T.V. commercials.  And the overwhelming majority of T.V. ads are negative attack ads.  I would propose that all Republican candidates are asked to pledge not to air attack ads against other Republican rivals.  Instead, give us your vision of where you would take this country, and why it’s so important we elect a Republican President this time.  I would attempt to extend this pledge to the so-called Super PACs (those independent from the candidates’ campaigns) and encourage Republican contributors not to contribute to those who won’t cooperate.


All candidates should pledge to live by the results of the Republican primary process.  In other words, no running as a third party candidate, and thereby splitting the conservative vote in the general election, and handing it over to Hillary or Bernie, or some other Leftist.  This is aimed particularly at the Donald, who has the wealth to self-fund a third party presidential campaign (like Ross Perot).  It could be enforced by not allowing any candidate who refuses to take the pledge into the debates.


One final observation.  No one knows for sure if we will end up with a more conservative nominee (like Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater) or a more moderate one (like Bob Dole or John McCain or Mitt Romney).  The thinking goes that a more conservative candidate will energize the base, bring out more conservative voters who might otherwise stay at home and not vote, but might not appeal to independent voters.  On the other hand a more moderate candidate might appeal to independent crossover voters who would otherwise vote for the democratic candidate, but some conservative voters might not be as energized so they stay at home.

Those of us who love this country (and hate Obamacare) must find a way to get all Republican voters to come out and vote this time, no matter who the nominee is.  Of course that’s easier said than done.


We’ve got approximately 16 months to figure out how to do it.

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