10 Things Republicans are FOR

In last week’s blog, I talked about a speech Joe Biden gave in Georgia recently. I focused on the part of the speech where he attacked Republicans, comparing them with George Wallace, Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis – even though those three racists were not Republicans, but Democrats.

Well this week I’d like to focus on a rare news conference Biden held last week, specifically something he said during said news conference. “What are Republicans for? What are they for? Name me one thing they are FOR.”

Now you’ve got to understand, Biden was with the mainstream press, a bunch of his staff and Democrat supporters. And of course none of them are going to rudely interrupt the President of the United States and shout out an answer to his question. He obviously wanted to leave the impression that Republicans aren’t for anything.

But of course there weren’t any Republicans present at the speech. It was one Democrat speaking with a bunch of other Democrats.

So Joe, let me answer your question. Do you want to know one thing Republicans are for? I’ll give you 10 things.

First, Republicans are for restrained spending and a balanced budget (I’m the principal sponsor in Congress once again this year of the Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment). This would require Congress to balance its budget every year, just like American families have to do.  The out-of-control spending, encouraged by Biden and his socialist Democrat allies, has resulted in the highest inflation, 7%, than we’ve seen in four decades. This spending spree must stop.

Second, Republicans are for lower taxes. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the last Republican Congress, and signed into law by President Trump, resulted in record growth. Now Democrats want to reverse all that and raise taxes on just about everyone (even though they claim they’re only for taxing the rich.)

Third, Republicans are for a strong foreign policy agenda and an unchallengeable military. Unfortunately Joe Biden‘s weakness, as illustrated by the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, has been evident for all the world to see. Thus the Russians are testing us in Ukraine, and the Chinese with Taiwan.

Fourth, Republicans are for a secure border. Biden, on the other hand, stopped construction of the border wall, and has allowed illegals to stream into this country at unprecedented levels.

Fifth, Republicans are for safe and secure streets, but Biden and his allies have allowed Antifa, BLM rioters, and criminals to run roughshod across the country. Republicans support the police. Democrats want to defund the police, and take away their qualified immunity, which would allow our front line defenders to be personally sued, further demoralizing the very people we need to keep us safe.

Sixth, Republicans are for improving education in this country by allowing school choice. We support and encourage parental involvement. Democrats have targeted parents at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists,” and put teachers unions above what’s best for the students.

Seventh, Republicans are for a welfare reform and work requirements. Democrats support generous and never ending payouts, and oppose work requirements.

Eighth, Republicans are for energy independence, which had resulted in lower energy costs and lower prices at the pump. Democrats support the Green New Deal and radical climate change policies, including the killing of the Keystone Pipeline, which has resulted in a dramatic spike in energy costs.

Ninth, Republicans support protection of the unborn. Since the infamous Roe v. Wade decision, 63 million innocent unborn lives have been snuffed out. Democrats want to continue allowing the carnage.

And finally, 10th, Republicans want to make it easy to vote, but hard to cheat. Democrats say they want “election reform,” but taking away voter IDs, requiring same-day registration, and encouraging massive vote-by-mail will undermine safe and secure elections as well as confidence in our electoral process.

So Joe, you wanted one thing Republicans are for? I just gave you 10.