13 Russians, and Where Do We Go From Here?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Justice Department last Friday announced indictments against 13 Russians for allegedly attempting to manipulate our 2016 elections. As for The Left’s relentless insistence for over a year now that Trump and the Russians together stole the election, the indictment came to the conclusion that any contact between the Russians and the Trump campaign was “unwitting.” It’s unlikely that any of the 13 Russians will ever see the inside of a U.S. courtroom – because they’re in Russia.

So where does that leave us? In my view, unless there’s additional collusion evidence to come, and that seems unlikely, there was more collusion with the Russians by Democrats, than by the Trump campaign. Let’s review.

One of Obama’s first actions when he became President was, at the behest of the Russians, to cancel our anti-missile facilities in Poland and the Czech Republic. This made us, and our European allies, more vulnerable to a missile attack from Iran, or from Russia itself.

Obama’s blasé attitude about the Russian threat shouldn’t be surprising, when one considers Candidate Obama’s response to Mitt Romney’s warning about Russia at their debate. Obama declared “the 1980’s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” And who can forget Obama’s “hot mic” conversation with then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, telling Medvedev to take the message back to Vladimir Putin that Obama would be more “flexible” (to sell out America) after the election.

Another example – then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided to brush aside the fact that the Russians had recently invaded our ally, Georgia, and presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a “reset” button. Not only did this gesture signal weakness to the Russian bear, but incompetence, as Lavrov laughingly noted that the Russian word on the button meant “overcharged”, not “reset.”

Then Hillary Clinton oversaw the sale of 20% of U.S. uranium deposits to the Russians, at the same time her husband and the Clinton Foundation were receiving millions of dollars for speaking fees in Russia. Add to that the fact that her campaign would later pay for an anti-Trump dossier to be put together by Russians and a British spy.

And none other than Barack Obama stated on October 16, 2016, just three weeks before the election, that there was no evidence of any interference in the election going on, and that Trump should “quit whining” about it. Interestingly, at that time, Obama and virtually everyone else assumed that Hillary was going to win, and so any accusations that anything was going on that might undermine the credibility of the election outcome, was being poo-pooed by the Democrats and by the mainstream press.

Even though there appears to be little proof of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, that won’t stop The Left from calling for Trump’s head. A significant number of the phone calls and emails I’ve received as a Member of Congress for the better part of a year now, have been something along the lines of “do your job – impeach Trump.”

It’s also very possible that even if collusion turns out to be a dead end, the special counsel and his merry band of investigators will proceed down other avenues of interest, such as allegedly shady business deals, alleged obstruction of justice for firing James Comey, or if President Trump ever talks directly with the FBI, alleged lying to the FBI. We’ll see.

Anyway, that’s the way I see it. Let me know what you think.