2 Weeks to Go!

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid took control of both houses of Congress four years ago. Then Barack Obama became President, and Democrats have controlled all the levers of power for the last two years. And what have been the results? Unprecedented levels of government spending, takeovers of entire industries (the banks, insurance, auto, student loans, health care) and a stagnant economy that’s still not growing jobs, because who would want to hire anyone when additional health care costs, red tape, and higher taxes come with every new person you hire?

And as virtually everyone in this congressional district knows by now, Steve Driehaus has voted slavishly with his party leadership on every one of their major job-killing ventures. He’s voted with Nancy Pelosi 94.8% of the time, and Politico called him “a reliable backer of party leadership.” That’s why it’s so ironic that now that they more or less consider him a lost cause, and have pulled more than $500,000 in TV ads they were going to run trying to save him, he’s decided that he’s going to lash out at his party leaders. NOW he’ll stand up to them. It’s too bad he didn’t stand up to Pelosi when it would have made a difference for us, the people he’s supposed to represent, on the health care vote, on the Stimulus vote, on the Cap and Trade vote…

As I travel the district and meet people, I sense that even though so many people are strongly dissatisfied with the direction the Democrats are taking the country, they are energized to play a role in changing that direction. I hear over and over now something like, “Steve, we’ve got to change what they’re doing to our country. You’ve GOT to win, what can I do to help.”

Well, even though there are only two weeks to go until Election Day, there are still many things to be done. And our volunteers are in high gear. But we could use even more help. We still need folks to take literature door to door, make phone calls, put up yard signs, and perhaps most importantly cover a polling place on Election Day.

Also, we are still raising money to pay for the stuff I mentioned above, and especially to pay for our final week’s TV ads. So, even though I know these are tough economic times, and you may have already given, if you’re able to make one last contribution to the effort, you can click here or mail your contribution to Chabot for Congress, 3339 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45211. I assure you we’ll put it to good use.

And finally, you can still vote absentee until October 30th, or go to the Board of Elections at 824 Broadway downtown anytime between now and Election Day, November 2nd. Of course you can still do it the good old-fashioned way, go to your assigned polling place on Election Day itself. And please urge your like-minded family, friends and co-workers to do the same. Your country needs you.