2 Weeks to Go!

It’s hard to believe that the much-anticipated 2020 election is almost upon us. And in some ways, it actually already is, as many people in our state and across the country have already voted by absentee ballot, or by early-voting at the local board of elections.

So what’s going to happen? If you listen to the mainstream press and the Washington elite, Donald Trump is going to be a one-term president, like Jimmy Carter or George H.W. Bush, and the kinder, gentler Joe Biden and his oh-so-brilliant running mate, will be running the country soon. Of course a minority of pundits opine that there are “shy Trump voters” out there (a lot of them) who don’t want to admit they’re going to vote for Donald Trump, or don’t trust the pollsters/press, and refuse to cooperate or tell the truth. This results in Trump under-performing in the polls, but suggest that he will over-perform on election day (win.)

What do I think? Well, it’s been my belief for a while now, that the Presidency, the House, and the Senate, are all up for grabs this election cycle, and could go either way. Here is my concern. If the Democrats win all three, I think we are going to see radical change, and not for the good. First, the Senate will do away with the long-standing filibuster. Then Chuck Schumer will be able to pass anything he wants with a simple majority vote. Long-cherished protections for the minority (Republicans if the Democrats have won) will be shoved aside, and the Dems can do whatever they please. Pelosi will continue to rule with an iron fist in the House, and a very weak Joe Biden (or Harris) will rubberstamp their radical agenda.

Their agenda? The Green New Deal is their Bible. (The inmates have taken over the asylum.) Virtually every building in America will have to be retrofitted, if not torn down. No planes, no cars (the internal combustion engine will be outlawed.) No meat, no jobs. The cost will be staggering  – $93 trillion over the first 10 years. (The entire national debt is only $23 trillion.)

This march toward socialism also outlaws private health insurance. And gives a guaranteed income to even people who refuse to work.

Also, hang on to your wallet. Because the Green New Deal and Joe Biden‘s commitment to repealing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, would mean increasing taxes dramatically – on virtually every American. Using our congressional district as an example, the average family of four here had their federal income taxes cut by about $2400. The Democrats on the campaign trail have tried to peddle the story that it was just tax cuts for the rich, but that’s not true. 85% of Americans had their taxes cut, and the vast majority of them were middle-class folks, not the rich.

So in two weeks, the American people will have a clear choice at the presidential level, and at the congressional level. A vote for Joe Biden and the radical Democrats running for Congress all across America (like my opponent) is a vote for a radical left-wing agenda, and a vote to allow the government to take more of your money to pay for it. A vote for President Trump, and common sense conservatives like myself, is a vote for less government control, safer communities, and people being able to keep more of their own hard-earned money, and decide how they want to spend it, not Washington.

Which way do you want to go?