5 Months to Go!

As I write this blog, it’s Wednesday, June 2nd—exactly 5 months from November 2nd, Election Day this year. Only 22 weeks, or 152 days, or 3,648 hours, but who’s counting?

So where do things stand 5 months out? Unfortunately, the Obama Administration and the Pelosi/Reid Congress continue to take this country in a direction that most Americans oppose. Spending in Washington remains out of control, the government continues to grow, illegal immigrants continue to flow uncontrollably across our borders, and oil continues to flow uncontrollably into the Gulf. This Administration’s strategy of talking nicely with our enemies (Iran, North Korea, and Hugo Chavez in Venezuela) and give our traditional allies the cold shoulder (Great Britain, Israel, etc.) is failing miserably.

So the American people are ready for change from The Change. I intend to be a part of that change. Removing Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House is critical, and to do so, Republicans need to pick up 40 seats in the House this year. I hope to be one of those 40. And our chances at this point look very good. There have been three polls done thus far in my race against Steve Driehaus. One, done by Public Opinion Strategies, authorized and paid for by my campaign, show we are up by 14 points, 53 to 39%. Another poll done independently of either campaign, by SurveyUSA showed we were winning by 17 points, 56 to 39%. And the Driehaus Campaign has refused to release the third poll, which they authorized and paid for. It seems pretty obvious why…

Various political pundits around the country have not only recognized that this is a race to watch, but that we are one of the few races in the country where they actually favor the challenger (me) over the incumbent (Driehaus). Stuart Rothenberg, one of the most respected political oddsmakers in Washington, after first rating this race as “Tilts Democrat,” then “Toss-up,” then “Tilts Republican,” now rates it as “Leans Republican.” And Election Advantage which is “Dedicated to a non-partisan analysis of Senate, House, and Governor races” rates our race as “Slight Advantage for Chabot.”

Now a logical question might be, if we’re winning by 14 to 17 points, isn’t that better than “Leans” or a “Slight Advantage?” Good question. Well, the answer is that in the next 5 months, a huge amount of money will be spent by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), big labor (SEIU and AFSCME especially), and by the Driehaus Campaign, in an attempt to distort my record and everything about me. My guess is that the TV ads, radio ads, and attack mail pieces will be something along the lines of: “George Bush was bad. George Bush was a Republican. Steve Chabot is a Republican. Therefore, Steve Chabot is bad.” (I’m only slightly oversimplifying.) We’ve seen it all before – many times. But they’ll spend an awful lot of money, so we have to be ready for the onslaught.

I’d like to ask for your help. If you agree with me that we can no longer afford to let the liberals running Washington continue to run amuck, please help me to defeat Pelosi’s dependable vote – Steve Driehaus. You can sign up on this website to volunteer, get a yard sign, or make a contribution by clicking here. You can also forward this blog on to someone who you think might be inclined to help.

As always, thank you for taking a few minutes of your busy day to read my blog. And especially thank you if you’re able to act in one of the ways I mentioned above.

5 months to go. Let’s not waste a minute of it.