Why the 2016 Election is so Important

Well a lot sure happened over the last week.  Pope Francis visited the United States for the first time.  He brought a message of hope, to a nation and world that certainly needs some.

1 needs some

The Bengals continued in their winning ways, defeating the Ravens – in Baltimore.  Andy Dalton was superb – as was A.J. Green.  I think they’re going to have a great season, and may even get beyond the first playoff game, for the first time in a long time.

2 long time

We witnessed a “blood moon eclipse” for the first time in 33 years.  Sounds like something that might have to do with vampires, but actually refers to the reddish tint of the moon during the eclipse, which occurs while the moon is closest to earth, and therefore appears larger than normal.  My wife and I went out several times during the evening to get a view of it and take some photos.  Unfortunately, mine didn’t turn out all that great, so I’ll spare you my subpar results, and include one from the experts.  The next one, by the way, is expected in 2033, the year I’ll turn 80 (if I’m still around.)

3 if im still around

And Speaker John Boehner announced that he’ll resign his speakership and his seat in Congress at the end of October.  To be honest with you, I don’t know why anyone would want that thankless job.  You get grief from virtually everyone, and when you finally exit the speakership, you’re inevitably far less popular than you were when you took the job.  I guess there’s something to be said for being third-in-line to the presidency, but let’s face it, that can be a pretty thankless job too.

4 thankless job too

So that brings me to the main topic of my blog this week – why it’s so important Republicans win that thankless job, the presidency, this time around.  There are a number of reasons it’s particularly important this time, but none more so than the appointment of Supreme Court and other federal judges.  There have been two openings on the Supreme Court which have occurred during Obama’s presidency thus far, and he replaced two liberals, with two liberals.  A huge missed opportunity for us conservatives, but the Supreme Court at least stayed virtually the same as it had been.  But over the next four, or eight, years there’s a reasonably good chance that one of the four conservative judges will retire, or die, and if a President Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders, or Joe Biden, fills that vacancy or vacancies, the Court will lurch to the left, probably for decades.  And there are also the federal district and circuit court judges that President Obama has been appointing, virtually all liberals.  They’re appointed for life, so they can do a lot of damage.  We can’t let this march to the left continue.  We’ve got to win.

5 got to win

Another reason we’ve got to win the presidency, is to reverse the disastrous foreign policy direction of the Obama Administration.  U.S. leadership around the globe is sorely missing.  There is a power vacuum that is being filled with bad actors, like Putin in Eastern Europe, like ISIS in the Middle East, like China in the South China Sea.  I used to believe that Jimmy Carter was the worst foreign policy president in my lifetime.  I don’t anymore.

6 i don

And if we are ever going to realize the inherent strength of the American economy again, we’ve got to rid ourselves of Obamanomics.  Artificially propping up the economy through FED policies of easy money and artificially low interest rates, unprecedented levels of government spending, and a resulting gigantic debt of nearly $19 trillion, is unsustainable, and will ultimately end in an economic collapse.  Now it may not occur until Barack Obama is out of office, but it’s coming.

7 but it's coming

Not only is it critical that Republicans win the presidency in 2016, but it’s just as important that we hold the House and the Senate.  Because if we win the presidency, and lose either house, our new president won’t be able to turn his or her ideas into action.  So we’ve got to win all three.

Now I’d like to  ask for your assistance in winning one of the three – my seat in the House.  Today, September 30th, is the last day remaining in the third quarter of this year.  I have to report how much I’ve raised over the last three months towards my re-election effort.  Nancy Pelosi is trying to recruit a credible opponent to run against me, and your contribution will help me in my effort to hold this seat for the good guys (and gals.)  You can make a secure online contribution by clicking here, or you can send a check to 911 W 8th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45203.  It will particularly help me if you make the online contribution by midnight tonight, or drop the check in the mailbox by then, although a later contribution is also welcome and helpful, just not quite as much as one by midnight.


Well, thanks for taking the time to read this week’s blog.  Sorry to hit you up for a contribution periodically, but it’s a necessary evil.  See you next week.