I’ve decided to run again for the First Congressional District seat in Congress.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my campaign website. I have something important I’d like to share with you. Over the past few months, I’ve had literally hundreds of people come up to me, call, write or email me expressing their profound disappointment over the outcome of the congressional election this past November – the overwhelming majority of whom strongly encouraged me to run again. Most made the point that the unprecedented turnout in the city and Democrat leaning areas for Barack Obama, President Bush’s unpopularity, and the economic meltdown blamed on Republicans because Bush was President (even though Democrats controlled the Congress for the two years prior to the meltdown), was the cause of our loss. I believe they are right.

Well, after much soul searching, talking it over with my family, and coming to the conclusion that we have an excellent chance of winning, I’ve decided to run again for the First Congressional District seat in Congress.

It is my sincere belief that we deserve better representation in Washington than we are now getting. Mr. Driehaus’s first vote in Congress was to elect Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. She is without doubt the most ardently pro-abortion Speaker in the history of the House, and the most liberal, and the most partisan.

Then, even though Mr. Driehaus told us he was a fiscal conservative, he voted for the ghastly, so-called economic stimulus package which is the most larded-up, pork-filled monstrosity in US history. It is an embarrassment, and if it passes, or anything like it, we, our children, and our grandchildren will be paying for it for decades. It’s that bad.

Let’s be clear. We do need to energize this weak economy. But the right way to do this is to dramatically cut taxes – now. By putting more money back into people’s pockets, we can energize the private sector thus creating real, sustainable jobs instead of growing government to record levels and paving the way to higher and higher taxes for years to come.

I look forward to working with you in the upcoming months and years to once again bring common sense representation back to the people of the First Congressional District.

Steve Chabot
February 5, 2009