The Upcoming Demonization of Marco Rubio

Democrats fear Marco Rubio.  Therefore, they must destroy him.  Let me explain.

The fastest growing, and now largest, demographic minority in the United States are Hispanic-Americans.  Republican Presidential candidates have been getting a smaller and smaller share of this important vote over recent election cycles.  Mitt Romney this last time was down to 27%.  If Republicans are ever to win another Presidential election, they must do better with Hispanic-American voters (as well as with a whole range of other blocks of voters: African-Americans, Asian-Americans, young people, women, you-name-it.)

Marco Rubio is Cuban-American.  And more importantly, he is bright, energetic, relatively young and handsome, well-spoken, and represents a key swing state, Florida, in the United States Senate.  He has strong Tea Party support, at least at this time, as he defeated in the Florida Senate primary the Tea Party-loathed squish, Charlie Crist.  Crist proved how right Rubio and the Tea Party were about him when he proceeded to endorse Barack Obama over Mitt Romney.  (Good thing they outed him before he got to the Senate.)

Anyway, back to Marco Rubio.  A lot of political prognosticators believe that for the above-mentioned reasons, he may well be the best chance Republicans have of winning back the Presidency in 2016.  Time Magazine in fact just had him on their cover, with the headline – The Republican Savior.  Maybe just a bit overstated, and premature, but it illustrates the point.

And Democrats (and many of their willing allies in the mainstream press) have made it a practice for years now to demonize Republicans they view as potential leaders, particularly if that Republican happens to be a minority.  From Clarence Thomas to Allen West, from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann, and now to Marco Rubio.

And not only with minority Republicans.  John McCain for many years was the darling of the mainstream press.  (It of course helped that he was usually a critic of his Republican colleagues on a whole range of issues, from immigration, to the environment, to alleged “torture” when dealing with terror suspects.)  But once he became the Republican Presidential nominee, that all changed.  Now John McCain could do no right, and Barack Obama could do no wrong.  And Obama moved on to the White House.

I would submit that Marco Rubio is now perceived by Democrats to be the greatest threat to their hold on the Presidency.  Sure, there are other Republicans who may decide to throw their hats in the ring for the Presidential nomination: Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal, and Paul Ryan, to name but a few, but I think that they think that Marco Rubio is the Real Deal.  So they will try to undermine him at every turn.

Just one such example.  Senator Rubio was chosen to give the response to President Obama’s State of the Union address last week.  And he did a fine job.  Except for one catastrophic, inexcusable, earth-shattering, fatal mistake – he took a sip of water.  The attention this got was ludicrous, but revealing.  The fact that such a minor, nothing got so much coverage, shows that the other side is loaded for bear.  I hope that Senator Rubio is ready for the scrutiny, because it’s coming.

Let me know what you think.