Three Months to Go

We’re now only three months away from what could be a very consequential election.  Politicians have a tendency to say “this could be the most important election in history.”  I’m not going to suggest that.  It’s after all, not a Presidential election year.  But three months from yesterday, we’ll decide how much power Barack Obama has to continue to screw up the country (and the world.)  And he’s done quite a job of it.

The economy still stumbles along.  Even though the official unemployment rate has come down somewhat, it’s principally due to the fact that so many people have given up looking for a job, dropped out of the workforce, and therefore aren’t even counted in the unemployment number.  Obamacare continues to destroy what was the greatest healthcare system the world has ever known.  And the Obama Administration has abused its power by using the IRS to silence conservative groups, exercised powers it constitutionally doesn’t have, and has spent inordinate amounts of time fundraising rather than governing.


On the international front, things are so bad that even former Democrat Secretary of State Madeleine Albright recently declared that “the world is a mess.”


Our gains in Iraq have been squandered, and Al-Qaeda-linked ISIS has taken over much of the country.  Obama’s red line in Syria was crossed with impunity, and Bashar al-Assad and America’s enemies are winning, and 150,000 lives have been lost, so far.


War has broken out between Israel and Hamas, after a feeble attempt at brokering peace by John Kerry failed miserably.  Putin is grabbing territory in eastern Europe, and Obama and Hillary Clinton’s famous “reset” with Russia now looks foolish.  And I guess we now know what Obama meant when he told Putin’s right-hand-man, Dmitry Medvedev that he’d have “more flexibility” after the election (to do nothing in the face of Putin’s aggression.)  China is bullying our allies in southeast Asia, and we’re doing next to nothing.  And 300 Nigerian schoolgirls remain in the hands of Islamic terrorists, despite Michelle Obama’s “free our girls” campaign.  As usual, no action, just PR.


So what difference could this fall’s election make?  A lot.

All the work done by the Republican-led House, which in my view, could get the country back on track, dies in Harry Reid’s Senate.  He never even lets the dozens and dozens of bills passed in the House be debated in the Senate, much less come up for a vote.  So the American people never hear about them.  And the public’s attitude is – a pox on both your houses.  That’s at least in part, why Congress’s popularity is so low.

Obama never has to veto anything.  Harry Reid never lets it get to his desk.

The American people can change all that this November.  By doing two things.  Re-electing a Republican majority to the House, and electing six more Republicans to the Senate, thus dethroning Obama-protector Harry Reid.


Then President Obama will have a choice to make.  He can veto bill after bill that has been publicly aired, debated, voted on, and passed by the duly elected representatives of the American people, or he can actually sign legislation into law.

He is at the point in his presidency, when he may well be thinking about his legacy – how his presidency will be remembered.  If he chooses to veto virtually everything, his legacy will be pretty meager – presiding over a lousy economy, the devastation wrought by Obamacare, and a world aflame.

Or he could take the path Bill Clinton chose – work with a Republican Congress, get some important things done (a balanced budget, welfare reform), and then take credit for them (even though they were Republican ideas.)

Which way will he go?  No one knows.  But first we’ve got to hold the House, and win the Senate.  And that’s up to you, and you, and you, and you…
