A Fair and Unbiased Media?

An Associated Press story appeared in the Enquirer a few days ago headlined “For Democrats, Marriage Issue a Political Plus.”  The sub headline was “GOP Hard-Liners Against Tide?” 

The clear implication is that since most Republicans are against gay marriage, favoring traditional marriage between a man and a woman only, and many Democrats favor gay marriage, Republicans are on the wrong side of history and therefore Democrats will benefit politically.  However, then in the article itself, it states “a Quinnipiac University poll released last week found that a majority of people questioned, by a fifty-five to thirty-eight percent margin opposed gay marriage.”  Amazing.

But let’s face it, incidents of liberal (oh excuse me, progressive) bias in the media are rampant.

Whereas President Bush used to get battered by the press corps and the late night comedians on a daily basis, Obama in his third prime-time press conference last week was asked a really tough question by a New York Times reporter – what Obama found most enchanting about being President.  I’m not making this up.  And then George Stephanopolous, Bill Clinton’s guy on the campaign trail and then in the White House, and now a totally unbiased, card-carrying member of the fair-minded media, gushed that Obama’s response was a “mini-masterpiece of improvisational message-making.”

Are these aberrations, or is there any real proof that Obama is getting more coverage than his predecessor, and more favorable coverage at that.  Well, the Center for Media and Public Affairs just released a study which found that in the first fifty days of the Obama presidency, ABC, NBC and CBS in their nightly newscasts devoted 28 hours to Obama compared to only 8 for Bush in Bush’s first fifty days.

And not only did Obama get more than three times the amount of coverage that Bush got, but 58% of the stories were favorable to Obama, compared to only 33% favorable to Bush.

A fair and unbiased media?  I think not.