A Truly Awful Bill

Well, they did it again. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in the House of Representatives passed one of the most irresponsible bills in the history of this nation. The BBB, which Democrats like to call the Build Back Better bill, which more accurately ought to be called the unBelievably Bad Bill, spends trillions of dollars to push this country down the path towards socialism.

First, what’s its cost? Well, Biden initially claimed it didn’t cost anything. He later clarified that what he really meant to say was that it was fully “paid for,” which means that taxes were being raised enough to cover the extra spending. But that too turned out to be untrue when the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) revealed that it actually spent hundreds of billions of dollars more than the taxes being raised.

And Biden had also claimed that only the rich would pay higher taxes. Well it turns out that one out of three middle class families would pay higher taxes, and that two out of three people making more than $1 million per year will actually have their taxes cut.

So where does all the money go? All over the place. More welfare for example. And to make sure that more people become more dependent on government handouts, it does away with work requirements for even able-bodied adults. They want people relying as much as possible on the government, and not becoming self-sufficient. (And they want them voting Democrat.)

The money goes for abortions. How is this possible? Well, for many years something called the Hyde Amendment  basically said your tax dollars wouldn’t  go to pay for another person’s abortion. But this bill gets rid of the Hyde Amendment, so even if you’re pro-life, and believe that abortion is immoral, you’ll be forced to pay for other people’s abortions.

Where else does the money go? Well, if Obamacare wasn’t enough, this bill expands Obamacare and spends hundreds of billions of your tax dollars to do it. It also creates a so-called Civilian Conservation Corps to cram the gospel of the Green New Deal down all our throats.

This awful bill also pays for 87,000 additional IRS agents, at the whopping cost of $80 billion, to audit as many Americans as possible to squeeze even more money from us. Now everyone should pay the amount of taxes they legitimately owe each year, but the idea is to go years back, looking for even the most minor of mistakes, and hitting people with fines and penalties. That gives the Democrats more of your hard-earned money to spend.

There’s a lot more awful stuff in the bill, like giving amnesty to huge numbers of illegal immigrants, but in the interest of respecting your valuable time, I’ll leave it there.

If there’s any good news, it’s that the bill has only passed the House so far (without a single Republican vote) and West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin may gum up the works, at least for awhile over in the Senate. And the bill is so irresponsibly awful that even reliably liberal media outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post have predicted its passage is one more reason Democrats are likely to lose the House and maybe even the Senate in the next election cycle.

Hope I haven’t ruined your appetite discussing this turkey-of-a-bill, and Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!