Another Avoidable Slaughter

Over thirty innocent people savagely attacked in San Bernardino, California; nearly half of them losing their precious lives.  We now know for sure that it wasn’t global warming, or climate change, or postpartum depression, or the NRA, or workplace violence that was responsible for this tragic loss of life.  It was radical Muslim terrorism.  Again.

1 again

Our President finally admitted it, sort of, in his rare Sunday night address to the nation.  But of course that was only after reminding us that not ALL Muslims are to blame for the actions of Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik.  We get that, Mr. President.  We’re not idiots.

2 not idiots

Mr. Obama, and his allies on The Left, went to great lengths following the attack, to avoid the fairly obvious conclusion, that this was indeed another Jihadist attack on a far too vulnerable America.  Obama, as well as commentators on CNN, and MSNBC, kept repeating, as if off the same script, that they couldn’t fathom the motivation of the perpetrators of this heinous act.  And that what we needed was stricter gun control laws.  Yep, that would make us all safer.

3 make us all safer

Well, the motivation of these two miscreants is actually pretty obvious.  They were radical Islamic terrorists.  They were inspired by ISIS.  They wanted to help bring about a Muslim caliphate under sharia law, all over the world, including here in the United States.  They wanted to kill as many infidels as possible, including you and me.

4 including you and me.

They couldn’t care less about obeying our gun laws.  After all, they carried out their dastardly terrorist business in the state that has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation, the Peoples’ Republic of California.  That didn’t stop them.  Neither would new, more restrictive gun control laws, although they would certainly make it more inconvenient for law-abiding Americans to arm and protect themselves against other depraved Jihadist reprobates.

5 reprobates

It was also beyond ludicrous listening to members of the lamestream press navel-gaze, and chase their tails speculating whether poor Syed Farook had been radicalized by his bewitching bride Tashfeen, or the other way around.  What difference does it make? (quoting from Hillary Clinton in another completely unrelated context.)  The bottom line is, they were terrorists with pipe bombs and guns who were determined to kill as many of us as possible.  And their neighbors, who reportedly saw suspicious activities that could have been reported to authorities and possibly have prevented the attack, decided not to do so because they feared being accused of being Islamaphobes.  We’ve apparently reached the point in this country where political correctness, and fear of being accused of intolerance, is making us all more vulnerable.

6 more vulnerable

Can America survive another year and two months of an Administration that is so unserious about fighting terrorism?  An Administration that can’t even bring itself to name our enemy?  The answers to those questions are, quite frankly, unknowable.  But I’m afraid that more and more innocent Americans are likely to die on American soil, as a result of this Administration’s miserable failure to defend our homeland.  God help us.