Bernie and Fidel

For the past 3 1/2 plus years, Republicans have been grilled relentlessly about Donald Trump‘s alleged shortcomings, at least as defined by the collective wisdom of Democrats, and their allies in the mainstream press. “How do you justify Trump’s latest tweet?” “Doesn’t this prove he’s xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic?” (fill in the blank.) “How can you possibly vote against impeaching this monster?”

Well now it may just be the Democrats’ turn. Their presumptive leader in the race for the presidential nomination (at least until it isn’t) is none other than Bernie Sanders. And over the course of his political career, Bernie has said a lot of things, and taken a lot of positions. And to his credit (one could argue) he’s been, if nothing else, consistent. His positions haven’t changed a lot. He was a socialist when he started out about 40 years ago, and he still is (proudly so.)

There are so many areas where this is going to cause Bernie and Democrats real problems in the upcoming election, that it’s hard to choose just one to focus on. But in the interest of respecting your time, I’ll limit myself to one.

Fidel Castro ranks right up there with other murderous communist thugs over the last century, like Stalin and Mao. The only thing that kept Castro‘s death count down, as compared with those other communist murderers, was Cuba’s much smaller population.

Fidel Castro, and his murderous henchmen like Che Guevara, were responsible for the suppression, torture, and brutal murder of thousands upon thousands of Cuban citizens. He was a tyrant. A brute. A totalitarian oppressor. Yet far too many older lefties, like Bernie Sanders, and far too many younger lefties, who learned what they know from the older lefties in our nation’s universities, think that Fidel was just fine, in fact was a hero.

And that resulted in Bernie saying something recently about Castro, that Bernie’s pretty much been saying his whole life. Fidel wasn’t really so bad after all. In fact, after Castro took over in Cuba, he taught a lot of people to read (before he put them before the firing squad.) That was on 60 Minutes. Then Bernie doubled down at a town hall meeting Monday evening, again praising Castro for forming a “literacy brigade.” (Bernie failed to mention that even though some people did indeed learn to read, the only reading material they had to choose from was communist propaganda.)

If Bernie truly does become the Democratic standard bearer for president this time around, and it’s looking more and more that way, it will be interesting to see if Democrats actually do get pressed on Bernie’s wacky points of view. The Green New Deal. Eviscerating our military. Open Borders. Free everything (of course somebody else pays for it.) And on and on.

Surely the press will be just as tough on the Democrats. Right.