Critical Race Theory

There are those in America who have been, for years now, trying to convince the rest of us that America is a land filled with racists. Left-wing professors on college campuses have been on the vanguard of this movement – cramming their radical anti-American drivel down the throats of often-unwitting students for decades now. Blame-America-first elements in the mainstream media focus inordinate attention on every cop-shoots-citizen incident, while totally ignoring citizen-shoots-cop, or citizen-shoots-other-citizen stories, which are far more frequent.

There’s a name for this ideology that seeks to convince us that we are all a bunch of racists – it’s called critical race theory. It’s been seeping into school systems across America for some time now. Many parents weren’t even aware of how their children were being propagandized, until the COVID pandemic allowed them to view it on their children’s laptops in their own homes. Now many of those parents are outraged (rightfully so) and are voicing their outrage at local school board meetings.

We all ought to be outraged. After all, critical race theory seeks to divide all Americans into one of two groups, either “oppressor” or “oppressed.” Rather than the land of the free and the home of the brave, America is a place of “systemic racism.” It’s the land of “white privilege.”

And if that’s the case, then we ought to compensate all those who haven’t benefited from that white privilege. We must pay “reparations.” And if this sounds far-fetched, in the House Judiciary Committee a few months back, the Democrats actually passed a bill to study implementing reparations. All Democrats voted for it – all Republicans voted against it. My comment during the hearing was that reparations would in essence be “requiring those who have never owned slaves, to pay those who never were slaves.” After all, no one alive in America today was ever a slave, or ever owned a slave.

A fellow traveler of critical race theory is the New York Times’ “1619 Project.” Time constraints prevent me from going into a great deal of detail, but suffice it to say that the key point of this waste of effort is that rather than America’s founding being July 4, 1776, it’s really the year 1619, when slaves were first brought to our shores. America isn’t about independence, or freedom, or self government, or God-given rights. It’s all about oppression, and inhumanity, and slavery.

And of course slavery IS part of our history. An awful part. A Civil War was fought over it, and 600,000 lives were lost ending it.

And yes, Jim Crow is part of our history too. An awful part. And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention it was the Democrats who established that policy. And fortunately, that’s a policy of our past, not our present.

And yes, America should always strive to be better. We should always strive to be a more perfect union. But those who are seeking to divide us by skin color, must be opposed.

We are the greatest nation this world has ever known. Love her. Defend her. Honor her. And have a wonderful upcoming Fourth of July!

God bless America!