Czars Gone Wild

The appointment of thirty + Czars by the Obama Administration is not only worrisome, it may well be a violation of the Founders’ intent when they adopted our Constitution, the foundation upon which all our rights are based.  Yes, previous Presidents have had them, but never to this extent.  These Czars do not have to go through the vetting of the Senate confirmation process, so there is very little Congressional oversight, and thus we might well end up with – well, with a Van Jones. 

President Obama had picked this guy to be the Czar for “green jobs,” apparently mainly because he’d written a book on the subject.  Well first of all, much of what the left espouses about the so-called green jobs of the future is a scam.  Studies have shown that it will cost approximately $350,000 to the taxpayer for each green job created.  And for every new “green job” created here, many more jobs will be shipped overseas to places like China and India where they have understandably refused to strangle their economies with the green jobs hysteria that was contained in the Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax) legislation that passed the House (with Steve Driehaus’s vote) earlier this year.

So what torpedoed the Van Jones nomination?  A number of things.  First of all, he was a self-professed Communist, with ties to Acorn and a radical Maoist group called STORM.  He was also caught on tape calling all Republicans “a..holes” (so much for Obama’s call for civility in public discourse.)  But the straw that broke the camel’s back was the disclosure that he had signed a petition blaming President Bush for being involved in the September 11th attack on our nation.  (I’m not making this stuff up).

The real scandal about all this is that the mainstream press (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post) have virtually ignored the entire controversy.  If you hadn’t heard about it on the FOX News Network or talk radio (or at a Tea Party near you) you probably never heard about it.

The Obama Administration trying to further bury the embarrassment, announced Van Jones’ resignation at 12:12 A.M. on Sunday, by email, over a holiday weekend.  (So much for the promise of transparency and openness in government). 

How’s that hope and change working for ya?