Democrat Candidates for Congress are Misleading the Public

Democrats running for congress across the country are doing everything they can to mislead the public on a number of key issues. They are desperate for power. They can taste it. And unfortunately, the truth is too often becoming a casualty of their desire to win at any cost.

Let’s start with taxes. Last December Republicans in the House and the Senate passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was signed into law by President Trump. Not a single Democrat voted for this legislation. Now Democrats are running ads all over the country claiming that, in essence, only the hated 1% get their taxes cut, and everybody else suffers. Baloney.

The vast majority of Americans who pay taxes had their taxes reduced. Even millions of people at lower income levels who pay no federal income tax benefited because of the earned income tax credit. The standard deduction, which benefits principally middle-income people, doubled, as did the child tax credit. And virtually every American benefits from the thriving economy and increased employment opportunities that resulted from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

If Democrats would take over the House (and I don’t think that’s going to happen), one of their priorities is to reverse the tax cuts – in other words, raise taxes. We can’t let that happen.

Next, let’s talk about health care. Democrats have been claiming that Republicans oppose pre-existing conditions coverage. Again, baloney. Most Republicans did vote to repeal ObamaCare, which in Bill Clinton’s own words is “the craziest thing in the world… premiums have doubled, and coverage has been cut in half.” But the Republican commitment was, yes, to repeal ObamaCare, but to REPLACE it with a better health care plan, that COVERED PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS. Of course Democrats who spread their lies on this in speeches and TV ads don’t bother to tell you that. They want your vote, but they won’t give you the truth.

And Democrats’ latest big lie is that Republicans are trying to take away Social Security, Medicare, and/or Medicaid. They often tie this allegation to some supposed scheme to pay for tax cuts for the rich, but however they spin it, it’s completely bogus. These three entitlement programs are on shaky financial ground over the long term unless something is done to guarantee their fiscal viability. But the Democrat spinmeisters are never willing to discuss, much less vote for, anything that would put these important programs back on firm financial footing, and thus guarantee their long-term sustainability. They want the issue, not the solution.

It’s a shame, but it seems that Democrat congressional candidates this year are giving short shrift to the truth. All they seem to care about is winning, at any cost. The public deserves far better.