Democrats Find Another Issue to Exploit

For many years now, one of the Democrats’ key strategies for electoral success has been painting Republicans as a bunch of racists. It’s of course not true. But it’s worked. The fact that over 90% of African-Americans typically vote for Democrat candidates over Republican candidates in election after election, is clear evidence that it works.

It’s truly ironic when one considers that first slavery, and later Jim Crow laws, were policies of the Democrat Party, not the Republican Party. And that the Republican Party was formed with the primary goal of ending slavery.

As one of my loyal blog-readers, you’re no doubt aware that just a couple weeks back I devoted my entire blog to so-called “critical race theory.” Now that we’re all wising up to what the Democrats are doing in our schools, and parents are becoming more and more outraged, many Democrats are denying that they support critical race theory, and some are even denying it’s very existence. (Nope – critical race theory? Never heard of it.)


In Congress, Democrats have been playing the race card for years. They’re masters at it. So it came as no surprise this week when in the House Judiciary Committee (I’m a longtime member of the committee) Democrats decided to hold a hearing on “The Importance of a Diverse Federal Judiciary.” The title obviously presupposes that there is currently a lack of diversity on the federal courts. I would point out that African-Americans make up about 13% of the American population, and their representation currently on the federal courts is – (drumroll please) – nearly 13% of the judges. So much for a lack of diversity.

The truth is, when it comes to diversity on the court, Democrats only want their kind of diversity – and that’s liberal, progressive, left-wing minority nominees. When a Republican president nominated the one current African-American Justice on the Supreme Court, it was Joe Biden and the Democrats who opposed Clarence Thomas.

Want more women on the court? It was Democrats who opposed the latest woman appointed to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett. Why? Because she was the wrong kind of woman. She was a conservative woman. And Democrats want reliably left-wing, pro-choice ideologues. It’s not really about diversity. It’s about politics.

If Democrats really want to increase diversity in this country, how about holding a hearing on why there’s a lack of diversity among college professors at universities across America. They are overwhelmingly left-wingers. It’s rare to find conservative professors nowadays.

Or how about a hearing on why there is a lack of diversity on city council‘s in urban areas across America. Councils in cities all over the country, are full of Democrats.

Or how about a hearing on the lack of diversity among the mainstream press. Virtually all the reporters, and all the TV anchors for that matter, are on the left side of the political spectrum. It’s hard to find a conservative among them anymore.

So if you’re looking for fertile ground to study diversity, or the lack thereof, there are a whole lot of potentially more productive places to look than the federal judiciary. But as usual, the Democrats aren’t really trying to find a solution to a problem – they just want an issue to exploit.

See you next week.