“He Did This”

Rob Portman‘s been a friend and colleague of mine for a long time. Here’s a joke I’ve heard him tell several times in the past few weeks: “I don’t like to brag about all the expensive places I’ve been, but I went to a gas station last week!” Pretty good joke. And more importantly, it illustrates something that all of us are going through lately. Paying way more at the gas pump than we’re used to.

In fact, as one of my faithful blog readers, you may recall that I blogged about high gas prices last week. Specifically, whether or not the Biden administration is being honest in ducking any responsibility for the spiking gas prices, and blaming it all on Putin. (They’re not.)

Well, in following up on last week’s blog, I wanted to bring to your attention, an effort by the RNC (Republican National Committee), to allow people to do something about it. Starting in Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona last Saturday, Republicans will be registering people to vote at gas stations. The intention is to eventually do this all across the country. Imagine that, even Republicans getting creative for a change!

Along those lines, stickers are beginning to appear on gas pumps across the nation of Joe Biden pointing at high gas prices and saying “I did that!” Apparently the stickers are being sold in packs of 100 for $8 on Amazon.

In my opinion, criticism of the Biden administration for high gas prices is richly deserved. As I said in last week’s blog, the actions of the Biden administration from the very start have led directly to undercutting energy independence, and the resulting higher energy prices: killing the Keystone XL pipeline, discouraging new drilling and exploration on public and even private lands, and demonizing fracking.

And whereas I will give Biden some credit for reversing his policy on allowing Russian oil into the US, he allowed much of it to continue to come in for 45 days (by then it may be too late.)

Even more objectionable is how this administration is trying to replace the Russian oil. Rather than unshackle American producers (and create jobs and allow the profits to stay here in America) they are trying to get the oil from hostile nations, like Iran and Venezuela, or from suspect nations, like Saudi Arabia.

The bottom line is this: gas prices have skyrocketed, Biden is president, and yes, “He did this!”