Is Hillary Going Down?

Well, her position in the polls certainly has.  From the start, she was the presumptive nominee, the undisputed leader of the race for the Democratic nomination for president this time around.  Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator from Vermont, was 50+ points behind her, as were the other Democrats running – Martin O’Malley, Jim Webb, Lincoln Chafee, et al.  Now Hillary’s losing to Bernie Sanders by 6 points in New Hampshire.  And after both candidates appeared at the state fair in Iowa, according to the Iowa Secretary of State’s straw vote poll, Sanders is beating Hillary by 11 points, 52-41.


But polls are polls, and they change every day.  And it’s still a long way from the first state caucus and primaries.  What could really bring Hillary down is her legal vulnerability in her email debacle.  The more this thing unravels, the worse she looks.

Let’s review the facts.  She was Secretary of State.  According to federal law and State Department protocols Hillary Clinton was required to keep her emails on a secure government email server.  Instead, she decided to keep a non-government, unsecured, personal server, in her basement.  Then she lied about it, again and again.


She first denied it was true.  Then she admitted that she actually had over 60,000 emails on her server.  Then she decided to turn over about 30,000 emails to investigators, but claimed that the other 30,000 were personal (allegedly about weddings and yoga classes and such) and proceeded to scrub clean the server.  Then she refused to turn over the server that she deleted the emails from.

The State Department and an inspector general have been reviewing the emails that Hillary did turn over, and despite her claims that her emails contained no classified information, have discovered that the emails not only contained classified information, but they contained TOP SECRET classified information.  This is the type of information which could put the security of the United States at risk, and that’s the reason the law doesn’t allow what Hillary Clinton did.


If this was you, or me, or General Petraeus, we’d be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  But we’re talking about a Clinton here.  And we’re talking about the Obama Justice Department, that failed to pursue Fast and Furious, the IRS’s illegal targeting of conservative groups, blatant violation of our immigration laws, sanctuary cities, and on and on.  So will they prosecute Hillary Clinton?  Don’t hold your breath.


However, now that the FBI has seized Hillary’s server, it will be hard for the mainstream press to totally ignore the story.  And how much can be recovered from a server that has been scrubbed?  We’ll see.

And Hillary has taken a big hit with the American people as a result of this scandal.  In a number of swing states, such as Colorado, there are 20% more people who say they believe Hillary is untrustworthy, compared with those who say she is trustworthy.  And for the first time, Hillary is losing to potential Republican presidential nominees Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Scott Walker.


What’s Hillary Clinton got to say about all of this?  Well, in Iowa a few days ago, she said “It’s not about emails and servers; it’s about politics.”  Hillary, it’s about all three things.  Of course your political opposition will try to exploit this politically.  You’d do the same thing if your Republican opponent had done what you did.  You did this to yourself.

So where will this all end up?  Bob Woodward of Watergate Woodward and Bernstein fame, said a few days ago, “reminds me of the Nixon tapes: thousands of hours of secretly recorded conversations that Nixon thought were exclusively his.”


And we know how that ended.