Islamic Terrorism Mars the Season of Peace, and the Effort to Sway the Electoral College Fizzles

The Season of Peace. It’s only a few days before Christmas. The Christian world celebrates the birth of Our Lord. Silent night. Holy night. Peace. Love. Goodwill. Brotherhood.


Then some demented jihadist terrorist murders a truck driver, and drives the stolen vehicle through a crowd of innocent Christian shoppers in Berlin. Bodies everywhere. Men, women and children killed and maimed. We saw virtually the same horror earlier this year next door in Nice, France. Even more innocent people were slaughtered there by a Muslim terrorist who stole a truck and used it as a weapon of mass destruction. The toll that time was even worse – 86 dead and over 400 maimed, many for life.


Where do such monsters get the idea to carry out these savage acts? It’s right out of ISIS’ playbook. These Islamic scumbags have their own online magazine called Rumiyah. In this publication they encourage so-called “lone wolf” Islamic heroes to use cars, or better yet stolen trucks, to ram through crowds of innocent people – extra points if they’re Christians. Another tactic that’s encouraged, is for the energetic jihadist to acquire a few sharp knives, and slash their way through a crowd of innocents. Of course in the eyes of the jihadist believer, the victims are not innocents, but infidels, and deserve everything they get.


These barbarians must be defeated. They must be identified, rooted out, destroyed. They can’t be ignored. They can’t be bought off. They can’t be reasoned with. President Obama refused to even say who they were. And he failed miserably in dealing with this threat. His worst mistake was pulling all U.S. military personnel out of Iraq, leading to the birth of ISIS, and the abandonment of the Middle East to the savages. Then those savages migrated to Europe. And they’re coming to America.

Dealing with this witches brew must be one of President Donald Trump’s top priorities. Whether he likes it or not. The mess in the Middle East isn’t Trump’s fault. But it will soon be his problem.


We also just saw the Russian Ambassador to Turkey gunned down, by a Turkish terrorist, in Turkey’s capital, Ankara. The assassin shouted “allahu akbar” (allah is great) as he murdered the ambassador (we’ve certainly heard that before – at Ft. Hood, at San Bernardino, at the Orlando night club, and on and on.) He also shouted out “remember Aleppo… and Syria.” So apparently his motivation was payback to the Russians for their brutality in bombing the insurgent forces in Aleppo into submission. Ironically, the assassin was a Turkish policeman.


Not to beat a dead horse here, but Obama’s fingerprints are all over the humanitarian disaster in Syria too. Obama famously drew a red line in the sand over chemical weapons use in Syria, backed down, and badly damaged U.S. prestige. The power vacuum there was filled by a brutal Russian military machine. Innocent people suffered and died, Russian power and influence rose, and American leadership further declined. Another Obama mess that will soon be on President Trump’s plate.


Which brings me to – remember all the speculation and hype about the effort on the left to convince electoral college voters to defect from the flawed Donald Trump to Hillary, or to John Kasich, or to Colin Powell, or well, to anybody but Trump? Well it amounted to much ado about nothing. Trump needed 270 electoral votes to win – he got 304. And Hillary got 227.

Trump would have had to have had 37 of his electoral college votes defect to have sent the election to the House of Representatives. Only two defected: one vote to John Kasich, and another to Ron Paul. Ironically, Hillary had five of her electoral college votes defect.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are tightening their grips on the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations.

On a personal note, I was a little sad to see Trump’s count fall from 306 to 304. Why? Well my freshman homeroom number at La Salle High School back in 1967, was 306 (By the way, La Salle won the Division II State Football Championship this year for the third year in a row – I never get tired of saying that!) And my campaign headquarters on Montana Ave. in Westwood is Suite, you guessed it, 306. And I thought it was kinda cool that Trump had won with 306 electoral votes. Except that now he didn’t. Oh well, he still won. (And at least I got to tell you about the 306, and La Salle winning the State Championship, again.)


Okay, that’s enough for this week. Hope you’ve got most of your Christmas shopping done. Of course there’s still a few more days before Christmas. And not to stereotype here – but we guys tend to shop at the last minute. Anyway, I hope you and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas. And God Bless America.