It Was Quite a Week!

Interesting, bizarre, and sad political things occurred since my blog last week.  George Pataki, former Republican governor of New York; Martin O’Malley, former governor of Maryland; Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania; and Lindsey Graham, current Senator from South Carolina, added their names to the ever-growing list of people who believe they should be our next President.  Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Beau Biden, former Attorney General of Delaware, died at the age of only 46, of brain cancer.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Biden family, whatever our differences in politics may be.


On the sexual impropriety front, both former House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Vermont Senator and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders are in hot water.  Bernie has admitted that yes, he did indeed write an essay (back in 1972) in which he portrayed a woman as fantasizing about being raped by multiple men.
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And Denny Hastert; where do you start?  He was originally chosen to be Speaker because when Newt Gingrich was being forced out as Speaker, to be replaced by Appropriations Chairman Bob Livingston, it was discovered that Livingston had been involved in a whole series of extra-marital affairs, and this just wouldn’t do, since Bill Clinton was at the time in the process of being impeached for what began as inappropriate behavior with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, and an Arkansas state employee, Paula Jones, and eventually evolved into perjury.  Hastert was thought to be as clean as the driven snow, as above reproach as Caesar’s wife, since he was a high school teacher and wrestling coach.  Well,  apparently former Speaker Hastert has been paying hush money, about $2 million worth thus far, to keep sordid private conduct, just that, private.

I’ll conclude my week of notable events, and their victims, with none other than our current Secretary of State, John Kerry.  First of all, on the “let’s keep him in our prayers” category, Secretary Kerry broke his leg this week in a bicycle accident.  He has my sincerest wishes that he has a full and speedy recovery.  However, on another matter, Secretary Kerry has my unwavering condemnation, and I believe he has done this country, and freedom loving people around the world, considerable damage.

Here’s what happened.  Secretary of State John Kerry groveled on bended-knee to Russia, to meet with bad boy Vladimir Putin.  Then Kerry, rather than tell Putin to back off on his land grabs of Ukrainian territory, instead warned the pro-western, pro-American Ukrainian President not to attempt to gain any of their land back from Russia, as it might, get this, disturb the peace.  What?  The only one disturbing the peace is Putin.


Kerry went on to say, in effect, that if Russia would stop FURTHER aggression, they could keep what they’d already taken from Ukraine by force (Crimea and much of eastern Ukraine), and could count on the U.S. to drop any sanctions currently imposed on Russia.  The only thing stupider than doing this, would be dropping our sanctions against Iran.  Oh, wait.  The Obama Administration is already doing that.

Once again this Administration is in the process of committing diplomatic malpractice.  And most of the mainstream press, has completely ignored it.  God help us.