It’s Time for a Second Contract With America

The Democrats now have complete control of the legislative process in Washington. They can pretty much do whatever they want. Perhaps most illustrative of this sad truth is the fact that the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee is now none other than Bernie Sanders. Think of that – the budget –  Bernie Sanders. Makes your head spin.

To save the nation, it has never been more important that Republicans get their act together, and take back the House and the Senate in the next election, and the Presidency in the one after that. Unfortunately, there’s going to be a lot of damage done in the meantime to a nation already under assault from COVID and bad actors across the globe like Putin, the Chinese communist party, international drug cartels, and Islamic fanatics.

So how do Republicans get their act together? In my view, the time has come for Republicans to unite around a movement, a cause we united around a quarter century ago – another Contract With America. And I say this as the last remaining member in the House of the 73 Republican freshman class of 1994 “revolutionaries.” Obviously I’m not suggesting revolution in the sense of violence or overthrowing the government, but I do mean reversing destructive practices like the out-of-control spending that has resulted in a national debt now exceeding $23 trillion, and slated to spike even more with multi-trillion dollar bills being proposed by the likes of Sanders and Pelosi and Schumer, and unfortunately President Biden.

Newt Gingrich’s Contract With America accomplished a great many things – the first balanced budget in a generation, tax cuts which spurred record economic growth, and welfare reform, among other things. But that was a long time ago, and unfortunately Congress eventually fell back into old habits, like earmarks, and overspending, and I’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine. But that doesn’t mean the Contract can’t be resurrected, and improved upon, and rallied around towards a better future once again. And that’s what I’m suggesting we do.

It won’t be easy. The Dems and their friends in the mainstream press denigrated and belittled the Contract and those of us who signed it back then, and they will undoubtedly do so again. But so what. They’ll do that anyway.

So let’s spend our time in the “political wilderness” effectively. Let’s coalesce around a thorough, well-thought-out, comprehensive plan, which the majority of the American people will support, to restore America to her rightful place. Things like spending control, additional tax relief, border security, and election security.

The time for a second Contract With America has come. And there’s no time to waste.