Jihadist Terror in Orlando

A radicalized Muslim yelling “allahu Akbar” (God is great) as he systematically murdered scores of innocent people. It’s happened yet again. This time at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. But it could have happened virtually anywhere in America, or anywhere around the world for that matter.


The nightclub seems to have been specifically targeted because Islamists especially detest gay people. ISIS’ standard operating procedure in dealing with homosexuals, is stoning, beheading, or casting the accused off a tall building.


The victims were gay people this time. But Jihadist terrorists will, and have, targeted Americans anywhere they gather. At Ft. Hood, it was soldiers. At San Bernardino, it was fellow workers. In Boston, it was people either participating in, or watching, a marathon. And of course they’ve struck in Brussels, and Paris, and Bali, and Mumbai, and Madrid, and London, and Moscow, and Israel, and Kenya, and all around the globe. And it will happen again.


Of course there has been a knee-jerk call for more gun control. (The New York Daily News’ headline the day after the shooting was “THANKS, NRA”). Some gay-rights activists are blaming the “Christian Right.” Planned Parenthood blames “toxic masculinity” (whatever that means.) It’s hard to believe how stupid some of these people are.


President Obama called the massacre “terror.” But then in typical Obama style, refused to mention whether it was Episcopalian terror, or Methodist terror, or Norwegian terror, or Canadian terror, or, oh yeah, radical Islamic terror. How can we ever defeat this enemy, if our top guy can’t even bring himself to say who they are?


And speaking of Obama, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that his decision to pull all U.S. troops from Iraq, directly led to the rise of ISIS. And now this scourge in the Middle East is able to reach our shores, by radicalizing susceptible individuals within the United States, and turning them on us.


A lot of innocent people have died, and will die, unless we get serious about defeating ISIS. Pin prick bombing isn’t going to do it. A few hundred soldiers, sent in with hands-tied-behind-their-backs rules of engagement isn’t going to do it either. Since this commander-in-chief clearly won’t do it, the next one is going to have to task our top military and political leadership to come up with a realistic plan to destroy the Islamic State, totally, and ruthlessly. Potential civilian casualties of course have to be considered, but the days of not targeting ISIS oil trucks because we might jeopardize the safety of their drivers, must be a thing of the past.


I would urge Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to give considerable time and effort to developing their own plans for defeating ISIS, and keeping the American people safe here at home, and around the world. I would then hope that American voters closely examine the proposals of the two people vying to be our next commander-in-chief, and vote accordingly.


Vote like your life depended on it. Because it very well may.