Joe Biden’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

There’s no question that the vast majority of the mainstream press are cheerleaders for the Biden administration. They so badly wanted him to beat Trump, that they lost any semblance of being an unbiased, arm’s-length source of information during the last race. And big tech piled on by banning Trump from communicating on Twitter and Facebook with voters, and refused to let clear evidence of Hunter Biden‘s criminal behavior even be covered.

And the cheerleading has continued with overwhelmingly positive coverage of Biden‘s first four months in office. Compare this with the almost universally negative coverage anything Trump did got.

Then came last week. The Biden administration has screwed up so many things, that even the consistently chummy mainstream press couldn’t cover up for him any longer.

Let’s start at the border. The Trump administration had finally gotten a handle on things at our southern border. The Wall was going up. Border patrol agents knew the Trump administration had their backs. Illegal immigration was way down.

Then the Biden administration took over. The message went out loud and clear to hordes of people in Honduras and Guatemala and El Salvador, and across the globe, that the border was open (even if Biden Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas denied it.) The drug cartels are making billions of dollars in this human trafficking market, and women and girls are being raped by the thousands on the journey here. Last week it was revealed that over the last month, there were more illegal border crossings into the United States than in any month in 20 years, maybe ever.

Another body blow to the administration – they expected more than 1 million new jobs to be added – the actual number turned out to be only a quarter of that. Why? Because the progressives (socialists) Biden listens to, insist on continuing to pay people more to sit home and not work, than they’d make by working. We warned Biden and the Democrats about this – they wouldn’t listen.

Next, Russian cyber-criminals attacked a pipeline on the East Coast using ransom ware, causing gas stations to run out of fuel and prices at the pump to skyrocket. Then the Biden administration gave some namby-pamby response about their position on paying off the cyber-thugs, and low and behold, the Colonial Pipeline did just that. The criminals got $5 million, rewarding bad behavior, and this of course invites, more bad behavior. One final point on this – we must not forget that shortly after taking office, the Biden administration killed another important pipeline, the Keystone, killing jobs and undermining our long-term goal of attaining energy independence.

On the world front, not only is the looming China threat not subsiding, but the Middle East is exploding, literally. Israelis and Hamas have erupted in another shooting war. Hamas started it (as usual) by firing thousands of rockets aimed at civilians in Israel. Fortunately, Israel’s superb Iron Dome anti-missile system is knocking down the vast majority of incoming rockets – but civilians have been killed. The Biden administration appears to have been caught flat-footed on all this – focusing instead on groveling before the mullahs  and trying to get us back into the flawed and counterproductive Obama/Biden era Iran deal.

We could add to the foibles of the Biden administration the fact that inflation is rearing it’s ugly head, due to this administration’s reckless spending, resulting in instability in the stock market, but let me close with this observation. With so much bad news coming out all at once, the Biden administration was apparently scrambling to change the subject. How to do that? Well, after sending Dr. Fauci and CDC Director Rochelle Wollensky out in the morning to say that we would continue to wear masks into the foreseeable future, Biden came out in the afternoon himself and announced, “no more masks needed inside or out” (as long as you’re vaccinated.)

What a week!