Latest Poll: Chabot 53% – Driehaus 39%

The most recent poll shows that we’re beating Steve Driehaus by 14 points: 53% to 39%.  The poll was done last week by Public Opinion Strategies, one of the most respected polling companies in the nation. 

Back in January, an independent poll was done by SurveyUSA.  The results of that poll were remarkably similar to this most recent one, showing us ahead 56% to 39%.  Driehaus polled the same paltry 39% in both polls, which is extremely weak for an incumbent.  Traditionally when an incumbent is below 50% it means that he is very vulnerable, and in big trouble. 

A third poll was authorized and paid for by the Driehaus campaign last month, and interestingly, Mr. Driehaus has chosen not to release the results of that poll – (I wonder why!) 

So five months out from Election Day, our chances for success this November, continue to look very good.  But we must not be complacent, overconfident, or assume that the campaign won’t have ups and downs, as campaigns always do.  We can, and I believe will, win this race. 

And it’s critical that we do, if you believe as I do, that the Pelosi/Reid Congress is taking this country in the wrong direction: that we have to stop the out-of-control spending; the piling up of debt; the government bailouts; the buying of votes; and the arrogance of Washington. 

 It’s not too late to take our government back – to take our country back.  It’s not too late to re-energize the American economy and get people back to work again.  It’s not too late to stop spending like there’s no tomorrow, and turning the check over to our children and grandchildren to deal with in the future.

We’re better than that – whether the people supposedly representing us in Washington realize it or not.  We can do better.  We will do better.  Starting in November.