Monstrous Debt in Obama’s Budget

Columnist David Broder, is one of the so-called “big feet” in Washington – when he talks, people listen. 

Most would consider his political views as being in the moderate to liberal range.  That’s why his column, which appeared this week in the Cincinnati Enquirer (3/30) titled “Monstrous Debt in Obama’s Budget” was especially eye-catching. 

In commenting on the Democrat-controlled Congress and the Obama Administration’s out-of-control spending and the resulting debt burden on the American people, he says “the Democrat Congress is about to perform a cover-up on the most serious threat to America’s economic future.”

And what is this cover-up?  Well, when the Congressional Budget Office revealed that over the next ten years, Obama’s budget will add $1 trillion of new debt each year for $10 trillion debt over ten years, the Democrats in Congress announced that they would cut $5 trillion of debt by only counting the next five years, thus saving $5 trillion!  Whether you call it smoke and mirrors, slight of hand, cooking the books, or what it really is, fraud, it is wrong.

Broder goes on to say that the “road block” to reforming this type of voodoo accounting is Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  (By the way, our congressman, Steve Driehaus, cast his very first vote to make her Speaker).  

Broder concludes the column by saying that the price for all this mounting debt will be “paid by your children and grandchildren, who will inherit a future-blighting mountain of debt.”