Obama Administration Disses Veterans

The Obama Administration’s Department of Homeland Security published a report recently, warning that our military veterans pose a threat to America.  Think of it, the same Administration that will no longer call a terrorist a terrorist (the language police in the Obama Administration have replaced the term “terrorism” with “man-caused-disasters” because they want to “move away from the politics of fear”) expect us to believe that our returning vets from Iraq and Afghanistan are the real threat to us.  Incredible. 

Janet Napolitano, the head of the Department of Homeland Security which issued the report condemning veterans, initially defended the report which said veterans could be more susceptible to “right-wing extremist recruiters” and specifically sited “groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue such as opposition to abortion or immigration, increased federal power or restrictions on fire arms.” 

So let me get this straight.  If you are pro-life and believe that we should protect the most innocent among us, the unborn; or you believe that we should actually control our borders; or you are concerned that the federal government is growing too large and spending too much (Tea Parties!); or you believe that the Founders really meant what they said about second amendment rights; and you happen to love this country enough that you’re willing to put your life on the line for her, you are somehow a threat to the American people?  What claptrap!

Napolitano, after realizing the firestorm she had created, made a feeble apology.  She stated that “the last thing I want to do is offend or castigate all veterans” (so it’s okay to offend or castigate some or most veterans?).  She went on to say that “McVeigh was a vet, that’s where he got his training, and so when I was told about the report it rang true with me…” 

Pete Hegsweth, an Iraq veteran and Chairman of the Vets for Freedom said, “It wasn’t an apology in my view.  It was one of those non-apology apologies.”  He concluded by saying he found it “amazing they would single out veterans as a threat to this country.  It underscores a pervasive belief that some are trying to spread, that veterans are victims and we’re coming home as damaged goods that need to be coddled instead of celebrated.”

And that’s what we ought to be doing, celebrating the patriotism of our veterans, not disparaging them in official reports of their own government.