Obama Finally Links Terrorism with Religion

The Obama Administration has gone to great lengths not to link terrorism with Islam.  The Ft. Hood shooting, which was carried out by Allahu Akhbar (allah is great) screaming Islamist Nidal Malik Hasan, was famously referred to as “workplace violence.”


The attack on the French magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris by Islamic terrorists which killed a dozen people, was referred to by President Obama as “senseless violence” after his spokesman had initially referred to it as merely “an act of violence.”  And the attack that same day by Islamic terrorists which killed four Jews at a kosher supermarket in Paris was called “an act of random violence” by our tell-it-like-it-is President.  (An ostrich with its head in the sand comes to mind.)


Well finally, last Friday at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama actually linked terror with religion.  Only it wasn’t Islam.  And it wasn’t, for example, the burning alive of a pilot in a cage which had been revealed only two days prior to the breakfast.  No, our preacher-in-chief had to go back nearly a thousand years to the Crusades, and blame Christians, not Muslims, for the alleged transgressions.

“Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.”


Mr. President, let’s get our facts straight here.  I know you’re a blame-America-first kind of guy, or before America existed, blame Western Civilization for all the evils of the world, but the Crusades weren’t just Christians raping and pillaging Muslims (although there certainly was some of that.)  Islamic armies for hundreds of years had been on the march.  The defeated peoples, mostly Christians, were given the same choice ISIS gives those who come under their control today; convert to Islam, or die.


Through military conquest, Muslim armies had taken over much of central Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and threatened Europe.  The Crusades, the first one being in 1095 A.D., were an attempt to restore access to the Holy Land, and also to stop the Islamic conquest of the rest of Europe.  The Crusades didn’t succeed in taking back the Holy Land, but they more or less succeeded in saving Europe, and thus Western Civilization, from being overrun.  (Some would argue that rampant unrestrained immigration into Europe from North Africa and the Middle East, is completing the Islamic conquest of Europe today.  I’ll leave that for another blog posting.)

Anyway, a lot of Christians who attended the Prayer Breakfast, and those who later saw it reported in the media, were greatly offended by President Obama’s remarks.  And I believe rightfully so.  But this President doesn’t seem to care.

And after all, how important is terrorism really?  President Obama raised eyebrows recently when he basically stated that climate change is a greater threat than terrorism.  When pressed by a reporter on whether that’s what President Obama really believes, Obama’s Press Secretary Josh Earnest hemmed and hawed a bit, but ultimately confirmed that yep, that’s the President’s position.


God help us.