Obama’s Solution to a Bloated Budget- Military Cuts

A couple of headlines caught my attention in the Cincinnati Enquirer this past week.  One read “Obama Signs off on $17 Billion in Budget Cuts.”  At first glance that seems like a good thing, and a lot of money.  But let’s look closer.  Obama’s total budget for the upcoming year is a whopping $3.4 trillion and the deficit is an all-time high, $1.8 trillion for the year.  That’s four times greater than the deficit last year.  So how much is a $17 billion cut out of a $3.4 trillion budget?  ½ of 1% — or 1 penny out of $2 – a pittance, a joke. 

The other headline that caught my attention, also in the Enquirer, read “Obama Stands Firm on Routing al-Qaida,” which also sounds good at first glance.  But once again, let’s go deeper.   We all know that our military assets are spread thinner than we’d like with our ongoing commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan and around the world.  Yet half of the $17 billion cuts that President Obama wants are taken directly from the US military.  So, in other words, cut our military at the same time we’re allegedly routing al-Qaida.  And make it virtually impossible to get information from terrorists when we have them in our custody (eliminate enhanced interrogation tactics).  And let’s make sure that we don’t have any place to hold them (close Guantanamo  Bay).  How irresponsible and wrong-headed can you get? 

How about cutting out the pork and earmarks in the economic stimulus monstrosity and in Obama’s $3.4 trillion budget rather than targeting our troops who need and deserve our support.