President Trump

What an election! It was unexpected. It was hard-fought. It was ugly. It was exhilarating. And it’s over.


And now it’s time to bring this very divided nation together again. It won’t be easy. After all, nearly half of the American people are bitterly disappointed. Had the election gone the other way, the other half of the American people would have been bitterly disappointed.


Obamacare is done. The Supreme Court is safe. We’re going to build a wall (although I’m still not sure how we’re going to get Mexico to pay for it.) We’re going to make America great again.


It was a late night last night. So I’m going to keep my blog brief this week. Thank you for re-electing me to Congress. It’s truly an honor to represent you in Washington. I’ll continue to do my best to earn your trust.


God bless you. God bless your family. And God bless the United States of America.