Suck It Up?

That bastion of moderation and rational thought, Whoopi Goldberg, has suggested that Trump supporters should “suck it up, like we sucked it up” when Hillary Clinton lost back in 2016, and accept that Joe Biden won and Donald Trump lost. And depending on the votes still being counted in some states, and recounts in others, and the outcome of a number of lawsuits, Joe Biden may very well be sworn in as our 46th President on January 20, 2021.

But as for suggesting that all or many or most on the left accepted Donald Trump‘s Presidency from the start, well that’s a completely inaccurate representation of history. On the day Donald Trump was inaugurated, there were tens of thousands of protesters marching in the streets in our nation’s capital, Washington DC, chanting “not my president” and worse. Speakers were publicly admitting that they had thoughts of blowing up the White House now that Donald Trump lived there. Windows were broken out and fires were set – a prelude to far greater civil unrest to come, especially over this past summer.

The Trump administration would be tormented for the next four years by those who never accepted Donald Trump as a legitimate President. The Russia-collusion hoax was hatched. Impeachment over “a perfect” phone call. A partisan mainstream press refused to cover strong evidence indicating Biden-family corruption. Social media giants suppressing conservative sources of information. And on and on.

Yet conservatives/Republicans/Trump-supporters are supposed to “suck it up” like the left did? Ha! That’s rich.

That being said, let me be clear. If the Trump campaign‘s challenges in various states  ultimately fail, and it cannot be proven that election fraud/irregularities made, or could have made, a difference in the outcome of the race, then we congratulate and except Joe Biden as our President. As the Representative of the people of the First Congressional District of Ohio, it would be my responsibility to support him and his policies when I believe they are good for the people of my district and the country. And oppose him and his policies when I believe the opposite to be the case.

But we’re not there yet.