Thank You

We’re less than a week away from what could be one of the most momentous midterm elections in history.  All indications are that the American people are chomping at the bit to change the direction the Obama Administration and the Pelosi/Reid Congress have been taking this nation.

I believe we will win our race, and we’ll once again be represented by someone who truly believes in less government, lower taxes, and fiscal responsibility.  However, there’s nothing certain in life, and ultimately the voters of the First Congressional District have the final say, and they will deliver their verdict six days from today.

Not knowing for certain what will happen next week, I wanted to pause to thank all of you who have helped me over the past 22 months to be in a strong position to win this race.  You believed in me when I was down, and I’ll never forget it.

You encouraged me to make another run at the First District seat.  You took the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me and offer your advice.  You encouraged others to get on board.  You contributed to our campaign coffers when they were empty, even though these are tough economic times.  You made phone calls at my campaign office, identifying who was with us, who was opposed, and who was undecided.  You took literature door to door.  You allowed us to put up a yard sign.  You marched in parades with me.  You attended church festivals over the summer, and handed out our ubiquitous campaign cups.  You attended one or more of the in-home events we had.  You attended one of the Bengals games, or local high school football games, and held a sign, while I shook so many hands that my hand was sore.  You read my blog, and may have discussed something you found interesting in it with others.  You may plan on working a polling place for me next Tuesday.  You may have voted absentee already.  If not, I’m sure you’ll be voting next Tuesday and making sure that your family and friends do so too.  In other words, you’ve decided to participate in the political process, and make a difference.  And I appreciate your help from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you.

If you’d like to help one last time before America renders her decision next week, you can click here.  We will put these eleventh hour contributions to good use I can assure you.  If you’d like to volunteer or work a poll you can still sign up by clicking here.

But mostly, I just wanted to say thank you – for everything.  God bless you, God bless your family and loved ones, and God bless the United States of America.

p.s. Here’s a link to our most recent TV ad, in case you haven’t seen it, or would like to forward it to someone.