The Georgia Runoff

Since early voting began Monday, I thought I’d devote this week’s blog to the two Georgia Senate runoff races. And I thought I’d begin with a clever and well done video put together by Congressman Dan Crenshaw’s team. Dan is a great guy; he’s a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye in Afghanistan serving our country.

Next to the presidential election (and mine of course) these two Georgia Senate races are perhaps the most important races in years. Why is that? Because they will significantly determine the direction our nation goes for years to come. Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer famously said “Now we take Georgia, then we change America.” And boy do they intend to change America if they control the Presidency, the House (although by a narrower margin than before), and the Senate.

What would they do? First, they’d lock in their power in the Senate by doing away with the filibuster. This bipartisan safeguard has, for many years, protected the minority party in the Senate (which could obviously be either Republican or Democrat) by requiring 60 of the 100 senators to bring something up for a vote (it’s called cloture.)

Then once they’ve taken this dramatic step, they’d want to further lock in their control over the Senate by moving forward on making Washington DC and Puerto Rico states. That would almost guarantee four new Democrat senators (and a few House members), thus making it a lot harder for Republicans to ever take back the Senate (and a little harder for Republicans to take back the House.)

Then they’d “pack” the Supreme Court – something even FDR was unable to do back in the 1930s. Right now the Court has five solid conservatives, three liberals, and one, Chief Justice Roberts, who blows with the wind. The Democrats could game the system by saying, okay, from now on there will be 11, or 13, or however many justices on the Supreme Court, and then add more, and take over the Court.

As for the Democrats’ agenda once they are in total control, it would be Katie bar the door. Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, open borders, reparations, taxpayer-paid abortions (the Hyde amendment gone), defund the police, free everything (of course you pick up the tab), socialism, a feeding frenzy of The Left’s lunacy would be the order of the day. Any Democrat who opposes it, will be primaried in a heartbeat.

That’s why it’s so critical that Senators Purdue and Loeffler win in Georgia. The two Democrats running against them are far-left liberals. What can you do? If you have family or friends in Georgia, encourage them, of course, to vote, but not only that, to get involved. You can also contribute directly to the Purdue and/or Loeffler campaigns, or to the Republican Senate Campaign Committee.

My take on the runoff? We SHOULD win. Georgia has been a Republican state for quite some time. But it went for Biden, narrowly, this time. My principal concern is that with President Trump and many of his supporters saying that the election in Georgia was rigged, some Republicans may say “why bother to vote if the election is rigged anyway?” If Republicans fail to vote, we could lose. If we win one of the two races, we still control the Senate. If we lose both, the Democrats are in the catbird seat, and we’re doomed. I hope and pray we win them both.

One last thing. There’s been some talk that the Democrats will also throw out the electoral college. This will be a lot tougher for the Democrats to accomplish, because the electoral college is in the Constitution, and thus it would take a constitutional amendment to do away with it. And that’s a lot harder to do, as it would take a 2/3 vote in both the House and the Senate, and 3/4 of the state legislatures to abolish the electoral college. Probably a bridge too far, thank God.

See you next week.