The Government that Keeps on Spending

The Treasury Department just released their report on the nation’s budget deficit – and it is truly shocking. 

The deficit (how much more the government is spending than it is taking in) for the first six months of this fiscal year, was nearly a trillion dollars.  That’s about ten times more than it has been in recent years, when in my opinion, it was already too high. 

Most in the main stream press ignored the report, focusing instead on important matters – like the Obamas’ new dog. 

But not everyone is ignoring it.  Thousands and thousands of patriotic Americans will be gathering at Tea Parties in Cincinnati and across the country to protest Washington’s out-of-control spending and the crushing tax burden.  Taxes are so high in fact that everything the average American earned this year through April 13th goes just to pay taxes.  Not until after April 13th can one’s family be supported.  That’s shameful. 

Rather than a Congress and an Administration intent on spending our money like there’s no tomorrow, we need and deserve leadership that will put us on the path of restrained spending, fiscal responsibility and lower taxes.  It’s time for a change.