The Mainstream Press Gets it Wrong Again

Just over a year ago, the media mob was once again in a frenzy, just beating the holy hell out of President Donald Trump. So what had he done this time?

Well, according to the CNN headline: “Peaceful Protesters were Tear-Gassed, and Shot With Rubber Bullets, So Trump Could Have a Church Photo Op.” You probably remember the story. The criticism went on for weeks. ABC NEWS anchor George Stephanopoulos accused President Trump of using “Nazi-like” tactics.

Some FOX NEWS commentators pushed back on the accusations. But then they were attacked by the media mob. And as the left typically does when their point of view is being questioned, they got a “fact checker” to establish that they were “right.” The Washington Post fact checker, Phillip Bump, determined that there was indeed a “deployment of security forces using weapons and irritants to clear a peaceful protest so the president could have a photo op” and that this “brings the debate to a close.”

Fake NewsWell, we now know that this wasn’t the case after all. The independent Inspector General for the Interior Department, Mark Lee Greenblatt, who by the way served in key positions during the Obama administration, after a thorough investigation issued his report last week, concluding that the mainstream media narrative was completely false. The tear gassing occurred in order to “allow a contractor to safely install anti-scale fencing in response to destruction of federal property and injury to officers.”

The clearing of boisterous crowds with tear gas had absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump. Of course the media’s recognition that they had been wrong, appeared on page A-31, once. The original false attacks were on page 1, and it went on for weeks.

One other observation. None other than then-senator, now Vice-President Kamala Harris, back then snarled “last night I watched as President Trump, having gassed peaceful protesters just so he could do this photo op, then he went on to tear gas priests who were helping protesters in Lafayette Park.”

Well, Kamala Harris must be a credible source, right? After all, she is the Vice President, of the United States of America. And she went all the way to Guatemala last week to figure out the “root causes” of the crisis at the border. She could have stayed home. The cause of the crisis, lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.