Hillary Disqualifies Herself

What is the greatest challenge currently facing the United States?  Is it terrorism, particularly ISIS, which has been running amuck in Iraq and Syria, literally severing the heads of American journalists, and forcing Christians to convert to Islam, or die?

Or is it Russia, on the march in eastern Europe, brazenly annexing portions of weaker countries, who happen to be allies of the United States, and thus risking a new Cold War, or God forbid, a hot one.

Or is it the fact that the American economy continues to struggle, unemployment remains stubbornly high, and workers’ wages have stagnated, resulting in many Americans, for the first time in our history, questioning whether they can expect their children to do better than they have, or even as well?

Well, according to Hillary Clinton, the greatest challenge facing the United States is – climate change!  She made this claim last week, stating that climate change is “the most consequential, urgent, sweeping collection of challenges we face as a nation and a world.”


Now Hillary hasn’t officially announced that she’s running for President of the United States yet, but she’s running.  And as far as I’m concerned, her belief that climate change is a greater threat to our country than ISIS, or Putin, is so naive, that it should disqualify her from the job.

Unfortunately, the mainstream press overwhelmingly ignored Hillary’s inane comment, either because they basically agree with her, or perhaps because they didn’t want to embarrass her.  Whatever the reason, very few Americans are aware she said what she said, so the political damage to her, at least at this time, is probably minimal.


We’ve suffered for six years now under a President who’s failed to recognize the true challenges our nation faces.  Instead of focusing “like a laser beam” on turning the economy around as he had promised he would, President Obama spent the first two years of his administration pushing, passing, and then dropping the ball on Obamacare (which continues to burden our economy.)

He squandered the American victory in Iraq, directly resulting in the growth and successes of ISIS, then said ISIS was nothing but the J.V., and now denies that he said it.  (He said it.)

And he’s undermined the already too-weak security at our southern border, leading to the recent tsunami of mostly unaccompanied youth immigrants there.  Then he threatened to throw the border open to even more illegal immigrants by circumventing Congress and issuing yet another Executive Order.  (He’s just announced he’s going to back off that – until after the election, fearing that Democrats would pay a political price at the polls if he acted before the election.)

We can’t afford to elect another President who fails to recognize the considerable challenges facing our nation.  And a candidate who believes climate change is our greatest challenge, virtually disqualifies herself.