Peace of Mind?

Steve Driehaus was quoted in the Cincinnati Enquirer yesterday as saying that “the biggest thing we have achieved with the passage of the health care bill is peace of mind.”  Well Steve, tell that to the average middle-class family who will now struggle to pay an additional $2,100 in premiums over and above whatever increases they would have otherwise faced; tell that to the senior citizens who are going to see their Medicare cut by over $500 billion; tell that to the small business owner who will pay higher taxes and fees, and is already struggling to stay in business in this terrible economy; and tell that to the people who will be let go from their jobs, or won’t be hired in the first place, because their employer can’t afford the higher cost imposed on them by Obamacare.  You can take your “peace of mind” Mr. Driehaus, wrap it up, and give it back to your boss, Nancy Pelosi (whom you vote with 94% of the time).  We wanted real health care reform, not this budget-busting, backroom-deal-greased, big government-growing, job-killing, monstrosity you voted for (after leading  us all to believe you would vote against it). 

Driehaus’s boss, Nancy Pelosi, was bound and determined to ram this power-grab through Congress, whatever the cost, and even though the American people were overwhelmingly opposed to it.  Remember when she said “We will go through the gate.  If the gate is closed, we will go over the fence.  If the fence is too high, we will pole vault in.  If that doesn’t work, we will parachute in.  But we are going to get health care reform passed.”  The Pelosi/Driehaus mindset is – we know what’s best for you, and you should just shut-up and take it.
The cost to all of us taxpayers for this government takeover of one-sixth of the economy is going to be immense.  Respected columnist Charles Krauthammer predicts that on top of all the other taxes contained in the so-called health care reform bill, we are facing a new huge federal sales tax, or VAT tax (Value Added Tax) which will hit every American – hard. 

“As the night follows the day, VAT follows health care reform.  With the passage of Obamacare, creating a vast new middle-class entitlement, a national sales tax of the kind near-universal in Europe is inevitable… American liberals have long complained that ours is the only advanced industrial country without universal health care.  Well, now we shall have it.  And as we approach European levels of entitlements, we will need European levels of taxation.”

Krauthammer concludes by emphasizing that the VAT will be in addition to existing income taxes, not in place of them. 

So what can we do to stop all this?  Well, lawsuits are being filed by 14 States Attorney General around the country challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare.  I believe they have merit, but whether the courts will see it that way is impossible to predict.  The only sure way to repeal the government takeover of health care and replace it with common sense legislation, and avoid the looming threat of a national sales tax on top of taxes which are already too high, is to vote out the Pelosi/Reid Congress this November, and elect a common sense conservative President in 2012. 

You can do something right now to help put us on that path.  I hope to defeat the Pelosi-following Steve Driehaus this fall.  Our chances are good as indicated by an independent SurveyUSA poll done a while back, showing I am beating Driehaus by 17 points, 56% to 39%.  However, one advantage he has is that left-wing liberal groups are now running radio and TV ads “thanking” Driehaus for his pro-Obamacare vote, and the liberal special interest groups (and Vice President Joe Biden who did a fundraiser here in Cincinnati for Driehaus two weeks ago) are throwing money at him to try to help him cling on to his seat.  Campaigns have to report how much they have raised every three months, and today, Wednesday, March 31st at midnight is the last day for us to report how much we’ve raised this quarter.  If you would like to make a contribution to my campaign you can do so by clicking here.  You can also mail contributions to: Chabot for Congress, 3339 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45211. 

Sorry to bother you with a request for a contribution, but I do need to raise enough money to pay for the TV commercials, literature, yard signs (and CUPS!) which I’ll need to beat Driehaus this fall.  I intend on being one of the 40 seats we need to pick up to take back the House, and remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.  That may sound like a lot of seats, but in 1994, Republicans picked up 54 seats, and took over the House, which had been under Democrat control for 40 years prior to that. 

You can be an important part of getting our country back on track – reversing the trend toward bigger government, bigger deficits, and more government control over our lives.  Let’s get back to what the Founders had in mind.  Let’s get back to following the Constitution.  Let’s get back to what President Ronald Reagan envisioned when he talked about “that city on the hill.”  It’s not too late. 

Thanks for being part of the CHANGE FROM THE CHANGE.